A couple of largish greenware (unfired) test pots from 100% wild clay.
Both of these were dried inside with the AC, but uncovered to see how they would do. They didn’t crack. The red bowl is 10.5″ wide and the planter is 10″ across.
The red bowl is from our land. Just sieved with window screen to get the roots and stuff out. It’s still got a bit of trash in it. This clay will go to probably around cone 8. I usually fire to cone 6 electric, but this was a test to see how it would dry on its own. I did some tests with this one last year, but I’m redoing some of them to refresh my memory.
The planter is Moon clay. I still haven’t done a firing test with this clay. That’s why I made planters, in case it didn’t go to cone 6. This clay was also just sieved with window screen.