This body uses one of my lighter colored clays. It’s probably more than 50% sand right out of the ground, however, it’s very easy to process, settles out of a slurry wonderfully, and de-waters quickly. Line blends show that 15% Mahavir feldspar brings the absorption down to around 1% however, I got warping when firing some mugs. The warping is probably due to low alumina in the clay, so I’m adding some kaolin and swapping out the flux for Nepheline Syenite to see how things work.
3.5% absorption at cone 9 (3 hr boil 24 hrs total in water). Good workability. Slightly sandy texture. I’m going to up the Neph Sye to 15% and run some more tests. I’d like to get this to under 2% absorption at cone 8 oxidation while still having it hold up at cone 10 Red.