First Firing of the TDI Conversion Down Draft
Pretty pleased with the results. This is 100% Moon Clay (dug in Moon, Oklahoma), except for the one pot that slumped. That clay was from beside my house. The Moon clay has 8.2% absorption at …
Pretty pleased with the results. This is 100% Moon Clay (dug in Moon, Oklahoma), except for the one pot that slumped. That clay was from beside my house. The Moon clay has 8.2% absorption at …
This test was done Feb 2022, and I never created a blog post. Almost cone 10 in oxidation. 100% local clay. This clay froze and was a bit stiffer than I’d like. Previous workability tests …
This is the Moon Clay (Moon, Oklahoma) fired to cone 10 oxidation and cone 10 reduction (the bar). Absorption (3 hr boil 21 hr soak) is 8.2%. It’s an interesting clay to work with. It’s …
EDIT: Fired porosity tested as 2.8%. That’s about perfect as I can fire a bit hotter, and it gives me a bit of wiggle room for reduction. Just out of the kiln this morning. Cone …
These maybe the last cone 5/6 tests that I do. I won’t say I’ll never return to cone 5/6 because who knows what the future holds. These were fired to cone 5. This is my …
This is the start of a journey, to fire hotter, in the hopes of not having to buy/ship as many ingredients. I’m also hoping to do less mixing and testing, thus, giving myself more time …
Mark Issenburg of generously offered to test some Moon clay (Moon Community, Southeast Oklahoma) at cone 10 reduction. This is the results.
Would I do it again? Maybe… I would do a few things differently. 1) run a rope or wire around the groves in the kiln to get a better measurement on length, and 2) start …
This is not something with which I’ve had much experience. I was very surprised when I opened the kiln and found it stuck to the shelf in this manner. This clay body tested at 1.5% …
Tests of my red clay and Moon clay (Moon community, southeast Oklahoma) both of which were just rough processed through window screen. The sandstone revision 3 is the SS3 bar. It’s fine processed with some …