Cleaning Pottery Rags

Cleaning Pottery Rags

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People often ask about cleaning muddy pottery towels and clothes. Well, I’ve found something that works great! This is the Breathing Mobile Washer.

Many years ago I used one of these to avoid going to the laundry mat with two small children. We now live out in the boonies and loosing power is always a possibility, so I bought this one to have in case of emergencies.

This morning, I was rinsing out my pottery rags and remembered I had it.

These are before and after shots of using the washer. I just agitated in water about 20 times and didn’t add any soap. I’m very pleased with the results. I think next time I will rinse and dump then rewash with soap and see how clean it can get things. This is good enough, as is, for just drying out more reclaim and wiping my hands. I do think these are clean enough now to go in the washer.

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