A couple of test bowls. Both of these had 6.5% added Neph Sye to flux the body down to cone 6.
The one on the left is my newest dig location with some of the fine sand added back in. Without the sand, this body had 15% drying shrinkage but with the sand the bowl dried in a reasonable amount of time without cracking. This has 2.9% fired porosity (3 hr boil 21 hr soak). I’ll add a bit more neph sye and retest. I want my fired porosity right around 1.5%.
The bowl on right is my dug clay reclaim. My reclaim is a mix of wild/local clays. All my trimmings go into the reclaim and when I forget something and it gets to dry? Yep, that gets reclaimed too. It’s a wild mix of I think 7 or 8 different clays at this point. This mix has some local limestone in it as well. The reclaim bowl had 1.7% fired porosity. I’ll mix up a big batch of this as soon as I get a few days of dry weather.