This is what happiness looks like.
This will be about 150 lbs of moist clay after it dewaters a bit. I mixed this up today with my wild clay reclaim and 15% of a local low fire clay. I still need …
This will be about 150 lbs of moist clay after it dewaters a bit. I mixed this up today with my wild clay reclaim and 15% of a local low fire clay. I still need …
People often ask about cleaning muddy pottery towels and clothes. Well, I’ve found something that works great! This is the Breathing Mobile Washer.
I goofed with this load of bisque. I didn’t make sure my thermocouple was completely inserted (it wasn’t even all the way though the kiln wall). The load was badly overfired (for bisque). The test …
This is the 10% limestone clay while trimming. You can see the coarseness of the body. I smooth this over with a bit of slip and my fingers.
This is 100% local to me body. Still not quite sure if the limestone will work as a flux or just be a disaster. I rolled out all my test tiles yesterday morning for shrinkage/firing …
When I got my analysis back for the SW AR marl ( it got me thinking. If this material works why not limestone? The marl has less loi but only about 5%. Limestone would have …
This is how I remove excess water from processed dug/local clay slurries. Some clays will dewater quickly and some take more time but this does speed up the processes.
This is how I process the local clays that I dig. Most of the clays around my house are sandy and I remove the sand and other stuff like leaves and roots. I should have …
I haven’t tested any new clays for a while, just different tests on clays I can find around my house. This clay comes from a small community in the far Southeast corner of Oklahoma called …
These are tests of some of my local clays. The red clay is my reclaim. I may have gotten lucky with this batch as there is a bit of kiln wash stuck to the bottom …